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Book of Mormon Mania is a game that will get you thinking! The purpose of the game is to come up with unique Book of Mormon references based off of the letters chosen out of the "mania" bag.
Reproduce the “Book of Mormon mania!” visual below on a heavier cardstock. Color, cut, and laminate and tape on the front of a bag or small box. Reproduce the 24 letter cards onto a heavier cardstock. Cut and laminate cards for durability. Place individual cards inside a box or bag with the visual on it. Reproduce lots of the “Book of Mormon mania!” lined answer sheets. Keep one sheet for a copy master.
Give each player a lined answer sheet and a pencil. Have one player pick a letter card from the box or bag. Each player will write on line #1 something that begins with that letter that comes from the Book of Mormon. The object of this game is to write something that no one else will guess. Continue choosing letters and writing answers until all 14 lines have been filled. Go through the list one line at a time revealing your answers. If your answer is the same as someone else’s, cross it out. If yours is different, score one point. The player with the most unique answers is the winner. Variations: choose a letter and write as many things (up to 14) as you can think of that begin with that letter and pertain to the Book of Mormon.