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Temple Builders
This fun game teaches about the three temples that the pioneers built when our church first began. Divide your group into three teams. The first team to build their eight-piece temple is the winner. This is done by taking turns picking questions created by the teacher concerning this week’s lesson...
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This fun game teaches about the three temples that the pioneers built when our church first began. Divide your group into three teams. The first team to build their eight-piece temple is the winner. This is done by taking turns picking questions created by the teacher concerning this week’s lesson about temples. The three temples represented are the Kirtland Temple, the Nauvoo Temple and Salt Lake Temple.
Print the six pages that create the three different temples onto heavier cardstock. Color and cut them out along out edges and interior dotted areas. This will make each temple into eight pieces. Laminate the strips for durability. Print the pioneer visual onto cardstock. Color, cut it out and mount it on the front of a paper sack or small box. Create your own question strips from your presentation concerning the topic: "The Pioneers Worked Hard and Sacrificed to Build Temples". Talk about the Nauvoo, Kirtland, and Salt Lake Temples. Place your question strips into the pioneer visual.
Divide the group into three teams. Each team will be building a different Pioneer Te3mple. The object of the game is to be the first team to create their temple. This is done by taking turns choosing a question strip from the pioneer sack and answering it correctly. Your questions should follow ideas taught in your presentation. Add additional strips for excitement like: Lose 1 Turn, You didn't help sacrifice to build...Lose One Temple Strip, Take Another Turn, Sacrifice and Give Another Team a Temple Strip...etc. Children love these extra additions to the game that changes the outcome of a turn! Keep taking turns until one team has built their temple.